Each day, I wake up, shower, style my hair, brush my teeth, and put on fresh clothing. I turn on my computer, review emails, and determine which project I’ll tackle first. This happens every weekday. The weekends are similar, except the projects are usually home chores that may or may not get done. Since March, when COVID made itself known enough for us to take cover, this has been my routine. I try not to think about when this might end, how it affects my thoughts and feelings, and what it’s doing to everyone I love, but sometimes it becomes very obvious how much stress this is causing, even for me who doesn’t have much to worry about.
I recently watched a video of a young woman somewhere in France, standing in front of a shop with her arms held open, a blindfold, and a sign that says “Free Hugs.” The video showed all the different people who hugged her. And they were all good hugs, great even. The people held her close as she hugged them back, then stepped away to continue on down the street. They ranged from young men and women to older people and children, and I teared up when I watched because I realized how much I miss having the freedom to just hug someone I may have just met or see occasionally or haven’t seen in a long while. The feeling of connection with someone else once you wrap your arms around them and squeeze a little can’t be minimized.
As humans, we all crave connection with others. I am someone who doesn’t enjoy crowds or lots of socializing, but even I’ve reached the point where the lack of daily interaction with people other than my husband has affected me. Even though I may try to think otherwise.
So, I talk with my coworkers on the phone, getting to know them somewhat while plowing through the never-ending urgent projects that come my way. I haven’t met any of them in person, so they’re all voices to me, and sometimes photos if they include those in their email. My team doesn’t do video, which is both a blessing and a hindrance. I rely heavily on facial expressions and body language, and now I find myself relying on vocal intonation and inflexion, and on often poorly worded emails. So, yes, I’m struggling a bit with it all.
Here are my high points in all this:
Schwan’s delivery: Lots to choose from, with many time-saving and delicious options delivered right to my door. My favorites:
- Sausage, egg, and cheese English-muffin sandwiches
- Blueberry scone dough
- Hot-and-spicy breaded chicken breast fillets
I am also a big fan of the budget-friendly Matua Sauvignon Blanc. Light and citrusy and it goes well with these hot summer days of COVID isolation.
And then there’s eSalon for making sure my gray hairs remain undercover. A bargain at $22, but it takes some effort on my part. I’m fine with that, but I miss my stylist.
So, no lunch with you yet, my friend, but let me recommend the Schwan’s spicy breasts. So easy to heat up and throw on a bun with some mayo and pickles. And there’s always my very favorite lunch: a turkey sandwich.